EU News for Engineers
EPR - Answer to written question on Scientific research
Question for written answer E-009943/14 to the Commission Therese Comodini Cachia (PPE)
Subject: Scientific research
In the light of the fact that the EU has set up a challenging target for the number of additional researchers required by the EU by 2020, and that the number of students undertaking some form of post-secondary scientific studies is relatively low in some Member States, can the Commission say whether it will launch any further campaign, action or event in 2015 to encourage students to further their scientific studies?
DG GROW - Entrepreneurship Education: A road to success
A compilation of evidence on the impact of entrepreneurship education strategies and measures
Entrepreneurship education is given a significant role in supporting the main goals of the Europe 2020 strategy. Therefore, it is important to gather knowledge and evidence from across Europe and elsewhere that shows whether and how impact is achieved.
VERA final conference offers forward visions on future ERA
Please click here to read more about this article
Revised ECTS Users' Guide was endorsed by the BFUG
The revised ECTS Users’ Guide was endorsed by the Bologna Follow-Up Group (BFUG) during its meeting on 27-28 November 2014 in Rome and now it is subject to approval by the Ministerial Conference in May 2015 in Yerevan, Armenia.
Seminar in the European Parliament on December 11 on transferable elements from various validation systems in Europe
Please click here to access the news.
Recognition of skills gained outside school or university is still a challenging road to take, report revealed
Please click here to access the report.
New EUA report on rankings - 'Rankings in Institutional Strategies and Processes: Impact or Illusion?'
Click here to access the report.
Presentation of the Policy Department B study on "Higher Education Entrance Qualifications and Exams in Europe: a Comparison"
Presentation of the Policy Department B study on "Higher Education Entrance Qualifications and Exams in Europe: a Comparison" by Mr Niccolo Durazzi (LSE Enterprise) and Ms Cecile Hoareau McGrath (Rand Europe)
Plese click here to access the study.
New EUA report on rankings
New EUA report on rankings - 'Rankings in Institutional Strategies and Processes: Impact or Illusion?
Please click here to access the report.
Juncker Commission takes office
More information:
Press release (with background information and a chart with the new Commission)
New Homepage of the Juncker Commission
New Spokesperson’s Service