The EUR ING Certificate delivered by ENGINEERS EUROPE is designed as a guarantee of competence for professional engineers, in order
- to facilitate the movement of practicing engineers within and outside the geographical area represented by ENGINEERS EUROPE's member countries and to establish a framework of mutual recognition of qualifications in order to enable engineers who wish to practice outside their own country to carry with them a guarantee of competence
- to provide information about the various formation systems of individual engineers for the benefit of prospective employers
- to encourage the continuous improvement of the quality of engineers by setting, monitoring and reviewing standards
The EUR INGs are listed in the ENGINEERS EUROPE Register, a database maintained by the Secretariat General in Brussels. Currently some 35.000 European Engineers are listed in the register (01/2023). The "EUR ING TUTORIAL" and "EUR ING SPEC" give the details on the purpose of the Register and how it is managed.
The European Commission, in a statement to the European Parliament, has recognized the FEANI Register and the EUR ING Certificate as valuable tools for the recognition of national diplomas among member states.
"The FEANI scheme is an excellent example of self-regulation by a profession at European level and it provides a model for other professional groups in the technical and scientific sector, such as chemists and physicists. The FEANI register recognizes and builds upon the diversity of forms of engineering education which exist in the Community and can adapt to any changes which may be decided upon at national level. The procedures for dealing with applications for registration also provide a good respective expertise. Registration on the FEANI register indicates that, whatever the duration or content of his or her initial training, the engineer has reached a certain level of professional competence, certified by his or her peers both at national and European level. Bearing in mind that Member States are required by the case law of the Court to take post-diploma professional experience into consideration, when reaching their decision on recognition, the Commission considers that an engineer who has obtained the Certificate of EUR ING should not normally be required to undertake an adaptation period or sit an aptitude test, as provided for in Article 4 of Directive 89/48/EEC."
Note : The Directive 89/48/EEC has been replaced by the EU Directive 2013/55 - Directive on the recognition of professional qualifications and Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012 on administrative cooperation through the Internal Market Information System (the IMI Regulation),

Criteria for the EUR ING Certificate
The criteria for the EUR ING Certificate are described in detail in the "EUR ING Tutorial" and "EUR ING SPEC".
Principles and structure of the educational and professional systems in Europe vary considerably. Their value is judged by ENGINEERS EUROPE according to the potential competence of the engineer who emerges from them.
The qualification of the engineer first requires an approved engineering education. But professional competence is only reached after gaining valid professional experience.
After a secondary education at a high level validated by one or more official certificates, normally awarded at the age of about 18 years, candidates:
must have exemplifying formal qualifications (degrees, diplomas of Higher Education Institutions) in combination with some years of professional experience. Formal qualifications will have been reviewed by the relevant ENGINEERS EUROPE National Member against the agreed standards (inclusion in the ENGINEERS EUROPE European Engineering Education Database – EEED), OR
must have no exemplifying formal qualifications, but will have engaged in professional Career Learning and peer review via the individual route, OR
are renewing their EUR ING Certificate upon the submission of evidence of continuous professional development (CPD) in the five years following the first issue of their EUR ING Certificate. Renewal after five years is mandatory.
The table below shows the typical years of engineer experience required for EUR ING registration:
Education EQF Level |
Typical Relevant Experience |
EQF 7 |
Experience (typically 2 to 5 years) |
EQF 6 |
Experience (typically 5 to 7 years) |
EQF 5 |
Experience (typically 7 to 10 years) |
For Career Learning Assessment (CLA), the typical relevant experience is 7 to 10 years. This is likely to commence at a point when the EUR ING candidate has become established in his/her engineering career, most probably when he/she has reached 20 years of age.
In addition to these formation requirements, EUR INGs are required to comply with a Code of Conduct respecting the provisions of the ENGINEERS EUROPE Position Paper on Code of Conduct: Ethics and Conduct of Professional Engineers.
The new EUR ING prerequisites and the new e-application tool are effective as of 01/01/2023. Pre-2023 EUR INGs do remain in the EUR ING Register. The renewal procedure does not apply to them.
What is Engineering Education?
An Engineering Education must provide a thorough knowledge of the principles of engineering, based on mathematics, physics and computer science appropriate to his or her discipline. Any engineer listed in the ENGINEERS EUROPE Register is guaranteed to have had such an education.
What is Professional Engineering Experience and Training?
The duration of professional engineering experience shall be at least two years and include the following:
- The solution of problems requiring the application of engineering science in the fields such as research, development, design, production, construction, installation, maintenance, engineering sales and marketing, and
- Management or guiding of technical staff or
- The financial, economical, statutory or legal aspects of engineering tasks, or
- Industrial and/or environmental problem solving.
How to know if the HEI/program is recognised by ENGINEERS EUROPE?
- In case a EUR ING candidate wants to know, before applying, if the school she/he graduated from as well as the programme she/he followed to achieve her/his degree is recognised by ENGINEERS EUROPE, she/he may ask this question to the relevant National Monitoring Committee directly.
Message to EUR INGs
We invite all EUR INGs, who have obtained their title before 2001 (from that date, the e-mail address has been requested on the application form), to communicate their e-mail address (do not forget to specify your parchment number) to the ENGINEERS EUROPE General Secretariat by sending a message to: secretariat.general@engineerseurope.com
The e-mail address will be used exclusively for bilateral communication and will not be transmitted to a third party, for instance to employment agencies, unless permission will be given explicitly before.
EUR ING on LinkedIn
Join the EUR ING group on LinkedIn:
The goal of this Group, created by the ENGINEERS EUROPE General Secretariat, is to help EUR INGs to reach other EUR INGs and to create a strong community of qualified engineers in the EU. It should also accelerate careers/business through referrals from EUR ING Group members in the EU and worldwide.
The website of the EUR ING Group is: here
What is LinkedIn
LinkedIn is the renowned business-oriented social networking website launched in May 2003 mainly used for professional networking purposes. LinkedIn is a free WWW based infrastructure to allow people to find previous colleagues or classmates, jobs, projects, contracts and share their professional (or private) relationships.