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ENGINEERS EUROPE has only one National Member per country, represented either by the engineering body of the country, or by a "ENGINEERS EUROPE National Committee" representing that country's engineering associations.


Each National Member has a seat in the General Assembly which is the supreme decision-making body of ENGINEERS EUROPE.

The General Assembly meets at least once a year in one of the member countries, i.e. Crete (Greece) in 1999, Hamburg (Germany) in 2000, Luxemburg in 2001, Cyprus in 2002, Warsaw (Poland) in 2003, Malta in 2004, Athens (Greece) in 2005, Prague (Czech Republic) in 2006, Valencia (Spain) in 2007, Bucharest (Romania) in 2008, Den Haag (The Netherlands) in 2009, Sofia (Bulgaria) in 2010, Geneva (Switzerland) in 2011, Rome (Italy) in 2012, Skopje (Macedonia) in 2013, Gdansk (Poland) in 2014, Lisbon (Portugal) in 2015, 2016 in Stockholm (Sweden) and Vienna (Austria) in 2017. The President, elected for a period of three years, chairs the meetings of the General Assembly.

The General Assembly approves ENGINEERS EUROPE general policyvapproves the financial statements of the past fiscal year and the budget of the next yearestablishes any and all organisations of assistance to ENGINEERS EUROPE in making and maintaining contact with governmental and non-governmental organisations with common interestselects the Executive Board.


The Executive Board is composed of the President, the Vice-President, the Treasurer and six members.  The Chair of the European Monitoring Committee (EMC) is also regularly invited to attend the Board meetings . 

The mandate of each Board member is three years, once renewable for the same position.

The Executive Board is the managing body of ENGINEERS EUROPE and speaks on its behalf. The Executive Board meets 5 times a year, once to prepare the annual meeting of the General Assembly.

The Executive Board implements ENGINEERS EUROPE policy as defined by the General Assembly and is responsible for the day-to-day management of the association. The Board reports on the management and on the financial and general condition of the association to the General Assembly.

With the approval of the General Assembly, the Executive Board appoints and maintains the conditions necessary for the activity of Standing Committees and approves their procedural documents. The Executive Board also decides on the themes of conventions and seminars.