Polish Federation of Engineering Associations

Polish Federation of Engineering Associations (PFEA)
ul. Czackiego 3/5
PL-00 043 Warszawa
Tel. : +48 22 336 12 51
Fax : +48 22 336 14 81
Email: sekretariat@not.org.pl
Tel: + 48 22 336 12 51
Fax: + 48 22 336 14 81
Email: sekretariat@not.org.pl
Contact: malwina.wronowska@not.org.pl
The Polish National Member of FEANI, i.e. the Polish Federation of Engineering Associations (PFEA) as well as its Member Associations function on the basis of and in accordance with the Polish Law on Associations (Act of April 7 1989).
In addition, the Polish Federation of Engineering Associations (PFEA) functions on the basis of its Statutes and according to its provisions which among others clearly defines PFEA's and Engineering Associations position with regard to professional rights and interests of engineers, as well as contacts with national authorities (presenting opinions and suggestions on matters pertinent to technology, science and economy, etc), representing the engineering community in front of those authorities.
Polish Federation of Engineering Associations is a non-governmental and self-financing organisation, which does not get subsidies from the government.
Member Associations of PFEA have the status of legal persons, have their own statutes, their membership in PFEA is voluntary. One of their statutory duties is to protect professional rights and interests of engineers within the branch of engineering they represent.
The Engineering Profession, the professional titles "Magister Inzynier" (Mgr Inz.) and "Inzynier" (Inz.) are protected by the Polish law (Act. n° 385 on Higher Education of September 12, 1990).
PFEA members associations:
Polish Union of Civil Engineers and Technicians (PZITB)
President: Ryszard TRYKOSKO
Secretary General: Wiktor PIWKOWSKI
ul. Swietokrzyska 14A, 00-050 Warszawa
Tel: + 48 22 826 14 22
Fax: + 48 22 826 86 34
Email: biuro@zgpzitb.org.pl
Web: www.pzitb.org.pl
Polish Association of Chemical Industry Engineers and Technicians (SITPChem.)
President: Prof. Jacek KIJEŃSKI
Secretary General: Anna CZUMAK-BIENIECKA, M.Sc. (Eng)
ul. Czackiego 3/5, 00-043 Warszawa
Tel: + 48 22 336 13 62 / +48 22 826 78 96
Fax: + 48 22 827 02 64
Email: sekretariat@sitpchem.org.pl
Web: www.sitpchem.org.pl
Polish Association of Sugar Industry Engineers and Technicians (STC)
President: Stanisław ŚWIETLICKI, M. Sc.(Eng)
Secretary General: Krystyna WASIŃSKA, M. Sc.(Eng)
Plac Dabrowskiego 3, 00-057 Warszawa
Tel: + 48 22 826 98 27
Fax: + 48 22 826 98 27
Email: biurostc@stc.pl
Web: www.stc.pl
Polish Association of Land Surveyors (SGP)
President: Stanislaw CEGIELSKI, Eng
Secretary General: Włodzimierz KEDZIORA, M.Sc.(Eng)
ul. Czackiego 3/5 14, 00-043 Warszawa
Tel: + 48 22 336 13 51
Fax: + 48 22 826 87 51
Email: biuro@sgp.geodezja.org.pl
Web: www.sgp.geodezja.org.pl
Polish Association of Mining Engineers and Technicians (SITG)
President: Prof. Wiesław BLASCHKE, D.Techn.Sc.(Eng)
Secretary General: Eugeniusz RAGUS, M.Sc.(Eng)
ul. Powstancow 25, 40-952 Katowice
Tel: + 48 32 256 37 45 / 757 27 42
Fax: + 48 32 255 41 32
Email: zg@sitg.pl
Web: www.sitg.pl
Polish Association of Metallurgical Engineers and Technicians (SITPH)
President: Prof. Janusz SZPYTKO, D.Techn.Sc.(Eng)
Secretary General: Marcin GLIWINSKI
ul. Podgorna 4, 40-954 Katowice
Tel: + 48 32 256 106 65 / 256 45 85
Fax: +48 32 256 45 85
Email: www.sitph.pl
Polish Association of Building Materials Engineers and Technicians (SITPMB)
President: Jerzy GUMIŃSKI, M. Sc (Eng)
Secretary General: Jolanta MAZUR, M. Sc. (Eng)
ul. Czackiego 3/5 14, 00-043 Warszawa
Tel: + 48 22 827 68 93
Fax: + 48 22 826 83 55
Email: sitpmb@neostrada.pl
Web: www.rzeczoznawcy-branz-bud.pl
Polish Association of Engineers and Technicians of Transportation (SITK)
President: Andrzej ZURKOWSKI, prof.dr.
Secretary General: Agata POMYKALA, Eng.
ul. Czackiego 3/5 14, 00-043 Warszawa
Tel: + 48 22 827 02 59
Fax: + 48 22 827 02 58
Email: zarzad@sitk.org.pl
Web: www.sitk.org.pl
Polish Association of Mechanical Engineers and Technicians (SIMP)
President: Andrzej CISZEWSKI, D.Sc.(Eng)
Secretary General: Kazimierz LASIEWICKI, M.Sc.
ul. Swietokrzyska 14A, 00-050 Warszawa
Tel: + 48 22 827 17 68 / + 48 826 45 55
Fax: + 48 22 826 03 55
Email: simp@simp.pl prezes@simp.pl
Web: www.simp.pl
Polish Association of Electrical Engineers (SEP)
President: Prof. Jerzy BARGLIK
Secretary General: Andrzej BORON, M.Sc.(Eng)
ul. Swietokrzyska 14A, 00-050 Warszawa
Tel: + 48 22 556 43 04 / 556 43 15
Fax: + 48 22 556 43 01
Email: sep@sep.com.pl
Web: www.sep.com.pl
Polish Association of Forestry and Timber Industry Engineers and Technicians (SITLiD)
Secretary General: Jerzy GRYNKIEWICZ, M.Sc.
ul. Czackiego 3/5 14, 00-043 Warszawa
Tel: + 48 22 827 02 87
Fax: + 48 22 827 02 58
Email: sitlid@ibles.waw.pl
Web: www.sitlid.pl
Polish Association of Petroleum and Gas Industry Engineers and Technicians (SITPNiG)
President: Dariusz Jacek KRAWIEC
Secretary General: Stanisław SZAFRAN, D.techn.Sc. (Eng)
ul. Lubicz 25, 31-503 Kraków
Tel: + 48 12 421 32 47 / +48 12 421 32 33
Fax: + 48 12 422 32 47
Email: sitpnig@sitpnig.pl
Web: www.sitpnig.pl
Polish Association of Foundry Engineers and Technicians (STOP)
President: Tadeusz FRANASZEK, M.Sc.(Eng)
Secretary General: Stanislaw RZADKOSZ, M.Sc. (Eng)
ul. Zakopianska 73, 30-418 Kraków
Tel: + 48 12 261 82 51
Fax: + 48 12 261 82 47
Email: m.aslanowicz@ferroterm.pl
Web: www.stowarzyszeniestop.pl
Polish Association of Horticultural Engineers and Technicians (SITO)
President: Jolanta WIESYK, M.Sc. (Eng)
Secretary General: Irena GUDOWSKA, M.Sc. (Eng)
ul. Czackiego 3/5 14, 00-043 Warszawa
Tel: + 48 22 827 02 61 / + 48 22 336 13 10
Fax: + 48 22 827 02 61
Email: sito.zg@vp.pl
Web: www.sito.waw.pl
Association of Polish Papermakers (SPP)
President: Michał JARCZYŃSKI, M. Sc.(Eng)
Secretary General: Zbigniew FORNALSKI, M.Sc.(Eng)
Pl.Komuny Paryskiej 5A, 90-007 Lodz
Tel: + 48 42 630 01 17 / 633 35 66
Fax: + 48 42 632 43 65
Email: info@spp.pl, biuro@spp.pl
Web: www.spp.pl
Polish Association of Agricultural Engineers and Technicians (SITR)
President: Jacek WESIERSKI M. Sc. (Eng)
Secretary General: Magdalena BOROWIEC
ul. Czackiego 3/5 14, 00-043 Warszawa
Tel: + 48 22 826 21 76
Fax: + 48 22 827 54 39
Email: sitr@sitr.pl
Web: www.sitr.pl
Polish Union of Sanitary Engineers and Technicians (PZITS)
President: Prof. Andrzej KRÓLIKOWSKI, M. Sc. (Eng)
Secretary General: Wieslaw OLECHNOWICZ, M.Sc. (Eng)
ul. Czackiego 3/5 14, 00-043 Warszawa
Tel: + 48 22 826 28 94
Fax: + 48 22 826 28 94
Email: biuro@pzits.org.pl
Web: www.pzits.org.pl
Polish Association of Food Industry Engineers and Technicians (SITSpoz)
President: Assistant Prf. Andrzej BORYS, Ph.D.
Secretary General: Bronisław WESOLOWSKI, V.Sc. (Eng)
ul. Czackiego 3/5 14, 00-043 Warszawa
Tel: + 48 22 826 63 44
Fax: + 48 22 827 38 47
Email: biuro@sitspoz.pl
Web: www.sitspoz.pl
Polish Textile Association (SWP)
President: Elwira ZAREBA, MSc. (Eng)
Secretary General: Henryk GARNCAREK, Eng.
Pl.Komuny Paryskiej 5A, 90-950 Lodz
Tel: + 48 42 632 71 15 / + 48 42 633 40 95
Fax: + 48 42 632 20 93
Email: swpzg@wp.pl
Web: http://www.swp.prv.pl
Polish Association of Water Plant Construction Engineers and Technicians (SITWM)
President: Janus KUBIAKOSWKI, M. Sc.
Secretary General: Marek KACZMARCZYK, M. Sc.
ul. Czackiego 3/5 14, 00-043 Warszawa
Tel: + 48 22 827 22 78
Fax: + 48 22 336 13 03
Email: sitwm@sitwm.pl
Web: www.sitwm.pl
Polish Association of Fire Engineers and Technicians (SITP)
President: Bronislaw SKAZNIK, M.Sc.(Eng)
Secretary General: Zdzislaw KIEDIO, M.Sc. (Eng)
Poczta Glowna, PO Box 213, 00-950 Warszawa
Tel: + 48 22 620 32 25
Fax:+ 48 22 620 32 25
Email: sitp@wa.home.pl
Web: www.sitp.home.pl
Polish Union of Associations of Inventors and Rationalizers (PZSWiR)
President: Eugeniusz SUSKI, M.Sc.
Secretary General: Waldemar MATUSIAK, D.Sc.
ul. Czackiego 3/5 14, 00-043 Warszawa
Tel: + 48 22 33 12 64 ext. 264
Fax: + 48 22 827 36 10
Email: ptht@pollub.pl
Web: www.ptht.pollub.pl
Polish Society for Engineering Culture (TKT)
President: Mrs. Ewa MANKIEWICZ-CUDNY, M.A.
Secretary General: Janusz M.KOWALSKI
ul. Ku Wisle 7, 00-707 Warszawa, (Redakcja “Przeglądu Technicznego”)
Tel: + 48 22 651 00 68 / 651 00 49
Fax: + 48 22 841 05 90
Email: pt@pol.pl
Web: www.muzeum-techniki.waw.pl
Association of Polish Consultants (TKP)
President: Stanislaw DOWNOROWICZ, Dr.Eng.
Secretary General: Zdzislaw KOWALCZUK, Prof.Dr. Eng.
ul. Czackiego 3/5, 00-043 Warszawa
Tel: + 48 22 828 96 19
Fax: + 48 22 635 96 19
Email: s.downorowicz@hydrogeometal.pl
Web: www.konsulting-tkp.pl
Association of Polish Inventors and Rationalizers (SPWiR)
President: Michal SZOTA, M.Sc. (Eng)
Secretary General: Marcin NABIALEK, Dr.
ul. Rydygiera 8, 01-793 Warszawa
Tel: + 48 22 633 95 11 ext. 2105
Fax: + 48 22 633 84 82
Web: www.polskiewynalazki.pl
Polish Society of Ecological Engineering (PTIE)
President: Aleksander KIRYLUK, D.Techn.Sc (Eng)
Secretary General: Elzbieta SKORBILOWICZ.(Eng)
Instytut Ochrony Srodowiska, ul. Krucza 5/11, 00-548 Warszawa
Tel: + 48 22 621 67 43
Fax: + 48 22 629 52 63
Email: rrkielia@cyf-kr.edu.pl
Web: www.bio-ecology.pl
Polish Association of Manufacturers and Users of Packaging Materials and Packages (PROPAK)
President: Tadeusz ROMANOWICZ, M.Sc.(Eng)
Secretary General: Mrs. Elzbieta OZOG-SKOLIMOWSKA
ul. Czackiego 3/5 14, 00-043 Warszawa
Tel: + 48 22 828 64 26 / + 48 22 828 27 15
Fax: + 48 22 773 19 32 / + 48 22 828 64 15
Email: biuro@propak.pl
Web: www.propak.pl
Polish Association of Cleaner Production (SPRCP)
President: Krzysztof GALEJA, M.Sc. (Eng)
Secretary General: Krystyna LENARCZYK, M.Sc.(Eng)
ul. Krasinskiego 13, 40-019 Katowice
Tel: + 48 32 256 55 07
Fax: + 48 32 256 55 07
Email: www.programcp.org.pl
All-Polish Association of Manufacturers, Designers & Installers of Alarm Systems (POLALARM)
President: Miroslaw PROKOCKI, Eng
Secretary General: Krzysztof RYCHLEWSKI
ul. Nowogrodska 18 lok.8, 00-511 Warszawa
Tel: + 48 22 625 57 43
Fax: + 48 22 626 90 31
Email: polalarm@polalarm.com.pl
Web: www.polalarm.org.pl
Polish Association for Technical Testing & Attestation (TEST-Q)
President: Marek JEWTUCH, D.Techn.Sc.
Secretary General: Grazyna BRATKOWSKA, M.Sc.(Eng)
ELTEST Sc., ul. Ratuszowa 11, 03-450 Warszawa
Tel: + 48 22 619 39 66 / + 48 22 818 99 92
Fax: + 48 22 619 39 66 / + 48 22 818 98 28
Email: sekretariat@eltest.com.pl
The Institution of Polish Engineers in Great Britain (STPwWB)
President: Piotr DUDEK
Acting Secretary General: Agnieszka KEPKA, M.Sc. (Eng)
238-246 King Street, UK-London W6 0RF
Tel: + 44 20 878 826 09
Fax: + 44 20 874 63 798
Email: STPwWB@aol.com
Web: www.stpuk.org
Association of Polish Engineers in Canada
President: Hieronim TERESINSKI, Eng
Secretary: Janusz MAJERSKI, Eng
206 Beverly Street, CA- Toronto M5T 1Z3
Tel: + 1 416 977 7723
Fax: + 1 416 977 3996
Email: webmaster@polisheng.ca
Web: www.polisheng.ca
Polish Association of Tree Surgery (PTChD)
President: Marek KUBACKI, Eng.
Secretary general: Marek BUGOSZ, Eng
ul. Piotrkowska 165/169, 90- 447 Łódź
Tel: +48 42 637 62 81
Fax: +48 22 637 62 81
E-mail: biuro@ptchd.org.pl
Web: www.ptchd.org.pl
Polish Society of Real Estate Valuers (PSRzWN)
President: Prof. Andrzej HOPFER, Prof.Dr.Eng.
Secretary general: Stanisław ROZANKA, M.Sc. (Eng)
Swietokrzyska 14A, room 422, 00 - 050 Warszawa
Tel: +48 22 826 64 54
Fax: +48 22 826 64 54
Email: zarzad.glowny@psrwn.pl
Web: www.psrwn.pl
Association of Polish Chemists and Colourists
President: Bogumił GAJDZICKI, D. Sc. Eng.
Secretary: Alicja KAWIORSKA, M.Sc.(Eng)
Pl. Komuny Paryskiej 5A, 90 - 007 Łódź
Tel: + 48 42 632 89 67
Fax: + 48 42 632 50 03
E-mail: kolorysci@kolorysci.org.pl
Web: www.kolorysci.org.pl
Association of Non-Ferrous Metals Engineers
President: Zbigniew SMIESZEK, Prof.Dr.Eng.
Secretary: Jolanta LASICKA, M.A.
ul. Sowinskiego 5, 44-100 Gliwice
Tel: + 48 32 238 04 60
Fax: + 48 32 238 05 60
Email: sitmn@sitmn.pl
Web: www.sitmn.pl
Polish Association of Disseminating Computer Engineering Systems (ProCax)
President: Jan BIS, Dr. Eng.
Secretary General: Ryszard GRABIEC, M.Sc. (Eng)
ul. Wisniowska 56, 02-520 Warszawa
Tel: +48 22 848 36 71
Fax: +48 22 848 36 71
E-mail: procax@procax.org.pl
Web: www.procax.org.pl
Polish Association "Green Roofs"
President: Ewa WALTER
Secretary General: Maciej KRAJEWSKI
Pl. Grunwaldzki 24a, 50-363 Wroclaw
E-mail: info@psdz.org.pl
Web: www.psdz.org.pl