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Ingeniørforeningen i Danmark

Declared number of engineers
Number of EUR INGs
Join this national member by going to their website and checking the conditions to join!

Kalvebod Brygge 31-33
DK-1780 København V
Tel: + 45 33 18 48 48 

President: Mrs. Laura KLITGAARD 

Tel: + 45 33 184848

Secretary General : Ms. Lisbet Møller Nielsen


In Denmark neither the engineering profession nor the use of the designation "ingenior" (engineer) are protected by law. (The use of the academic titles Diplomingenior and Civilingenior (and formally Akademiingenior, and Teknikumingenior) is restricted to holders of diplomas from the relevant Danish schools or equivalent schools).

The official status of the Society of Danish Engineers, therefore, is limited to two matters:

   - negotiation of salaries for public employments
   - acceptance as a Labour Market Organisation

The negotiations of salaries take place between the Society and representatives of the Government and the Danish municipalities and the agreements reached are valid for all engineers in public employment regardless of membership of the associations.

The acceptance by the Government as a Labour Market Organisation means that the annual subscriptions paid to the Society are deductible for the members with regard to taxes and that the Society does not pay value added tax (VAT).

The engineering education in Denmark is regulated by a common University Law, Royal decrees for the single educations and Statutes for the single schools. The Ministry of Education has an Advisory Committee covering all polytechnic and non-university education where IDA is represented and offers advice on short cycle engineering degrees. Other than this The Society of Danish Engineers has no formalized, direct influence. Indirectly, however, it has a great influence towards both the ministry of Education and the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, with regular meeting with civil servants and the minister. Furthermore no changes in the education system is made without consultations with the Society - which contacts the Ministry without being asked if judged necessary.