Czech Republic
Czech Association of Scientific and Technical Societies

Czech Association of Scientific and Technical Societies (CSVTS)
Novotného làvka 5
CZ-116 68 Praha 1
Tel: + 420 221 082 295
Fax: + 420 222 221 780
President: doc ing Daniel HANUS CSc
Interim Secretary General: Ing. Zora VIDOVENCOVA
Tel: + 420 221 082 247
Member Associations
Ceský svaz vedeckotechnických spolecnosti
Czech Association of Scientific and Technical Societies
President: Professor RNDr. Pavel Drasar, DSc.
Executive Vice President: Ing. Zora VIDOVENCOVA
Novotného lávka 5
CZ-100 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
Tel. : +420 2 21082295
Fax : +420 2 2222 1780
The Czech Association of Scientific and Technical Societies (CSVTS) represents the majority of the engineering community in the Czech Republic. CSVTS is nowadays an independent non-governmental and self-financing organisation which is not subsidised by the government. The 64 members of the Association are independent voluntary scientific and technical organisations with their own Statutes. The main aim of the CSVTS is to enable, by means of modern methods, to better develop, spread and confront the opinions of specialists and scientists and protect the members' interests. There are seven houses of Technology as special establishments of the Association in some largest towns in Czech Republic. These seven houses serve as educational and training institutions.
Ceská komora autorizovaných inzenýru a techniku cinných
Czech Chamber of Certified Engineers and Technicians
President: Ing. Pavel Křeček
Secretary General: Ing. Lenka Zimová
Sokolská 15/1498
120 00 Praha 2
Tel.: + 420 227 090 211
The Czech Chamber of Certified Engineers and Technicians Engaged in Construction was established in 1992. The Chamber representing professional associations, private sectors and universities take care of the cultivation of construction and shaping of the environment, and the right and responsability for taking part in the protection of the public interests in the area of construction, architecture and regional planning. The Chamber is in charge of granting authorisation for selected activities in construction, such as project design, construction management, building supervision, assessment of building impact on the environment, geodetic measurement for project activity qualified structural survey. Another important activity of the Chamber is participation and interpretation on legal regulations relating to construction. The political changes have been creating an economical model similar to the model in the countries of the European Union in recent years.